TNT Superfantastic Conference Call Extracts & Q/As - Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - Dinar Detectives - Iraqi Dinar Recaps from Dinar Guru and Intel (2025)

Blog talk radio.

Tony, how you doing?

Yeah, I’m super fantastic.

Every day it’s time.

Welcome to the information Superstation Tnd, hosted by that dynamic duel Tony and Ray Renfrew. They’re super fantastic and fantabulous. Serve to be a degree bringing you the latest and greatest iraqi dinar revaluation information from around the globe, east to west.

It’s the best.

So sit back, relax and get ready to have your mind blown in the TNT intel zones. Zones.

Good afternoon TNT. Super fantastic family. Today is Wednesday, July 10, 2024. Oh man, you were cutting out really, really bad.

So as far as that, we’re still waiting. Now people did go to the bank yesterday, evidently is what I was told. They made some offers. There’s some people at the bank right now.

Wait and see. They tried to push it through yesterday, didn’t go. They’re trying to push it through this morning. So far it hasn’t gone, but it is ready to go.

And that’s a good thing. Here’s the better thing. Indiana, Chicago, Florida, DC, New Jersey are making offers to people or at least telling them what they’re going to be offering them when it goes live. For most of you, you’ll see that it’s saying that the, the average person now probably is going to get 30% at least.

Now I heard somebody was offered 30% for three years. I know somebody was offered 30% for five years. I know that already because I talked to him yesterday. And there’s a new strategy that has become available.

So you guys are going to just love. It’s an absolute new strategy. I will tell you. I already talked to Ray about it.

So you guys can bug the hell out of it because you’re not going to take it, but you can still bug him anyway because it just be fun. That could almost double, if not quadruple your money. Oh, not, not quite. I should say triple.

Oh, it could be quite. Anyway, we’ll just go with triple, triple your money. It’s almost, almost, and I don’t say almost guaranteed because believe it or nothing, it was a strategy that has been offered by the bankers themselves. But bankers themselves, they want you to do this anyway.

It’s going to be great. And, you know, they say is greater later. Well, that just made it greater later for us. We’re glad we didn’t go because things we’re going to try or suggest we know are absolutely possible today.

Absolutely possible. And you’re going to love it. So we’re doing this right now with the information. So I just got a text and it said the link is not working for most of you, then most of you can’t hear how to fix it if the link’s not working for you because you’re not on the call.

Right. So I guess that doesn’t work. Here’s a real simple thing. I sent out two links and the second one says, second link.

So the first link won’t be working if there’s two links. Copy and paste the link. If you can’t copy and paste it, do what people did 1520 years ago, fire. Type it in.

Just don’t put any extra spaces, dots, commas, periods and all those things. Put exactly what it says. It’s working because I’m using it and I’m getting text from everybody else that is working. So for those you can’t hear it.

Well, the first link shouldn’t be working because we created a link and change the time. I mean, always after the same time, same link. Right, right. You change the time, so it should be working.

All we did was change the time. It is working for everybody. All right, all right. That’s enough.

It’s working, right? It’s working. 200 of you or 2000 of you. So, okay, so it’s really not anything going on.

Sadani met with the traveler, the exchange company. They’re not going on strike. The rates gonna go up. They’re telling everything’s gonna be resolved in a few days anyway, which we firmly believe that it is.

I told you guys Monday. Or they say by Thursday. I’m say we’re going back into the weekend because we get the Thursday. My will wait till Friday.

Banks are closed and we go. So it should absolutely be this week. 14 banking procedures are going to change anyway, so things will work.

All right, Q and A.

Here’s the first one. Danny called me on Wednesday, said, man, I was at the exchange and I see that the chat room is blown up and everybody wants to know how much. I got what I got. What did they do?

And he never said he was at the bank doing the exchange. He was at the exchange. You’re buying more currency. That’s what he was doing, buying more currency.

Like we say, if they don’t do it, buy more. He was buying more. Simply put, whole big uproar in the chat room over nothing. He never said he was doing an exchange.

He said, I’m at the exchanger. Buy more currency. So, no, he did not do his exchange. He didn’t even attempt it.

I had some other people who did attempt to go in Florida, Chicago, Indiana, and they did attempt to put it through, and it wouldn’t go through, even though they have the numbers. And again, the big thing for you guys is, I guess, the average. Well, neither one of these are average, but we do know at least five states, they’ve given out 30% interest, so we know that already. At least 30%.

And Danny will probably get even higher with what he has. And we do know they’re doing 30% at. If you need 50% in 30% interest for three years, or you can get 30% interest for five years at 50%. Those are the numbers.

So evidently the 30% starts at the 50%, because I got that from multiple people. But the more you have, then the interest can climb even higher if you’re willing to leave even more. So this is going to be a great movement for all of us.

All right, Ray, let’s get started.

Okay. The message to Iraq was, this is your last chance to operate and do what we asked you to do, or you are going to lose this regime. Question now is, does that suggest the US would take over under status of force forces agreement and impose a new government? Well, one thing is for sure, it does suggest that the US would impose a new government.

Not that the US would take over the government, but that they would do what we’ve always done, is assign the person who will take it over, which is real simple. Okay. But. Okay.

We’re not really concerned about that at this point. That’s Iraq issue. Okay. All right, who’s next?

Sherry? 123 from the last call. It was posted in the digital gazette, but not the paper release. Is this still the case?

Still the case, far as I know. Nobody has seen it in black and white yet.

Spartacus 1027 says, when considering generational wealth, what would. Would you do today with a billion dollars? With $1 billion, I’d struggle because that’s not really a whole lot of money. I used to think it was a lot of money.

But then Danny told me how much he had and I’m like, sure, I’m still be broke. What would I do? In all honesty, guys, if I had a billion dollars, I would first structure long term with the bank, and that’s five years, 30%, 40. I mean, I’d leave 50, 60% for five years.

So we’re talking about leaving half a billion, 600,000,005 years. I can live off two, $300 million for five years. I mean, I think I could anyway. Now, I really could if my interest was 30, 40% on the other 5600 million and I was getting paid monthly.

I mean, I think I could survive all that. But what I’ve done now is I’ve doubled my money again. And I’m going to try to stand that five years to the next five years. And I’m trying to be smart and see what Danny and Walt and bus lady and some of you are doing with their money.

Busy, involved in make some strategic investments or gross. I’m going to challenge my banks by three banks that I split the rest up with to show me a wealth plan. And all that money interest net, I’m going to put into a trust, a blood trust. Remember that?

And I’m going to set it up for payments. Five years, when they work, reach certain ages. The thing with the trust is you get the trust who’s the beneficiary? Who’s supposed to be the beneficiary?

Right, okay. I don’t know what you reference, what direction you’re going into anyway. All right, I’m going with, if you’re doing things for your family, then they’re the beneficiary’s trustee. And you build it like that and, and you divide it up generationally because that’s what I’m doing.

I’m doing mine for ten generations is what they get, is what the next generation gets if they keep it growing. But you can do that from a billion dollars, you can change your family’s future forever. Anyway, that’s what I would do. All right.

Hey, Tony, how you doing?

I’m doing super fantastic. How you doing? Troublemaker?

I ain’t making no trouble. I’ve been good surviving down here in this hurricane aftermath, but I’m doing all right.

Do you have a lot of branches to pick up?

Oh my God. Did we. A lot of branches, trees and everything. Nothing fell on the house.

But yeah, it was bad. So I have a couple of questions, I guess. So at one point this thing was released and if I’m incorrect, of course, correct me. But some months back I noticed you guys shared with us that when all this stuff was when we were getting the really good information, I think it had not been released.

But the banks got the memos and I thought, I remember that it was in the hands of the banks at one point. Is that true or am I mistaken on that?

It’s never been in the hands of the banks or we would have went in the bank.

It’s always been in the hands of the three letter agencies or the banks have, had it, been able to see it in the system, but the banks have never been in control of it. Never.

Okay. So basically everything is done and can we, so we can’t really say it’s released or. I guess that’s where I get confused at where we are in this process. I guess the word.

Okay, so let me look at. Yeah. They say is done in the system. It’s live all in the back system.

Nothing up front yet. So they can all see it. They’re actually trading it internationally in the back system. Not for us.

Okay. So when they say that again, at times they think we’re about to see it both. Iraq I got from Europe yesterday here. He said, okay, I got my information.

I’m not gonna tell you I got it because I almost did. He said the rate is 347 right now. We should be released by Saturday, is what he says. And it should be over $4 but CIA guy says it should be over $6 but our Fed guy said it should be over $5.

So it’s moving and nobody knows where it’s going. But they all have their projections of where it should be at that time. But they can all see it in the system. And I would tell you guys this, they can see it in the system.

Even my guys in Iraq, this might be given too much, but because they are the system, he’s actually part of the system. He has a vendor on the street or some bank guy sitting behind the bank. He’s part of the system and he has to be notified, just like our global traders have to be notified. So, I mean that part of the system.

So they can see things, but they don’t have the final say. So none of them have the final say. So until it goes okay, but they can see what’s going on in that.

All right, so my last question is your traders and all of them, everybody is still no new updates because they’ve been alerted already. So they just have their waiting and ready. Is that pretty much or no? You like the market folks, traders and.

All them, everybody’s ready and waiting. Even at the banks yesterday they said all those cubicles, they set up all those desks and everything that they had set up. Now all have people sitting at them. They just sitting there twiddling their thumb, but they’re sitting there.

So you’re ready.

Okay. All right, well, I guess we just wait until it get here. So hopefully it is this week or the weekend. All right, thank you.

what’s happening, man?

You must have got the new link because you cut the kind of high up here today. What’s going on? Yeah, I did. So based on what you just saying, as far as you know, they see in this rate, you know, in the back.

Is it a certain point they trying to get to though before they release it or that’s, that’s kind of like out the door, they just wait on the time or you don’t know. Yeah, I gave you guys a number months ago, so that obviously didn’t work cause they got to that number a couple of times. So that didn’t work. So now everybody’s just like, I don’t know, any minute, any date time.

So I really don’t know what they’re waiting for. They don’t even know what they’re waiting for cause everybody’s being told it’s good to go, we just haven’t gone. Or I expected it at six this morning, or I expected it at nine last night, but it didn’t go. But nobody’s getting a reason of why it didn’t go.

It’s just ready to go. Okay. And when you said they trying to push it through, you just talking about basically bankers seen it on screens and trying to, trying to do a process and it just won’t go through. It’ll stop when they try to exchange it.

That what you’re saying? That’s what happened yesterday. They did everything, tried to authorize it and authorization wouldn’t go through. Even though they had the numbers right there on their screen, the authorization would not go through.

Okay. And last question, I think I heard you say basically if we leave, you know, got enough money and you leave 50%, then we can get the 30% interest rate. Right. And possibly you got, you know, a whole lot of money, you might get more than the 30%.

You could get 30 more than the 30%. Two ways is my understanding, and that is have a larger amount of currency or leave it for a longer period of time. I appreciate your time.

What is the minimum amount that a Depositor would have to offer to get the 30%? Is there a minimum amount that you would have to put in for three or five years?

I don’t know. I don’t have all the details.

next is what about this tripling offer that you said the banks are now going to be offering? Do you simply mean by that that the 30% over three years would essentially triple your money? Is that what you’re saying? Or is there some other offer on top of that that you’re talking about with the tripling effect?

There’s some other offer and there’s not really an offer, but it’s a strategy on top of that.

And they’re going to offer that at the exchange?

No, they’re not. I’m going to tell TNT people at the RV on the first call.

And my last question is, the private banking can be really tough. I know at JP Morgan to get into the private bank, it’s like pulling whale’s teeth. Even branch managers cannot even get information about it. So at the exchange, are we going to have any opportunity to say, give me a number or show me the pathway to get into the private bank.

I don’t know. I haven’t been to the exchange yet, but I wouldn’t think that’s the purpose of it. But none beats a failure but a try.


I want to refer back to the last call, Tony, where Tish came on about the meeting, that special meeting, because the wave had hit 1500. I haven’t heard anything more about that. Is there any other information that came out?

Yes, it came out that the meeting lasted til two in the morning. Everybody left happy. The exchanges canceled their strike, it says, until further notice. But they canceled it.

They didn’t delay. It just says the strike has been canceled. They left the meeting happy and satisfied. Sudani told him that their problems will be resolved in the next couple of days.

That’s what came out the meeting. Sudani was happy. He said, the article says Sudani sleeps restful after meeting.

Okay, which sounds like really good news for us. The other thing is I’ve read where they’re still talking about the HCL and it needs to be passed. Would that be what’s holding this up? Every day when we say each day it’s going to go is because there is no HCO, that we see it or it’s done and they’re just not bringing it out.

What is the issue with the HCO?

They still say they’re discussing it is what they say in black and white. But in January they had an agreement. Last October they had an agreement. January they had an agreement.

April they had an agreement. And every time they say they have an agreement, it comes out at12.06. So it hasn’t changed. So I think it’s been agreed on for months now.

But even though they say, hey, doing this, administration was charged today, they’re going to discuss it again. But no, I don’t think that’s what’s holding it up. But they wouldn’t keep saying it’s all done. If there was still something holding it up.

I mean, I don’t know. I don’t think it’s. I don’t know. Agree on it.

All right, my last question.

As far as the CBI goes and the IMF goes, are they balking at anything to let this go through? And is there really two sets of books being used in Iraq? One for internally and the one that we haven’t seen yet, that’s a two parter.

Okay. You say, is there really two sets of books being used? Like, I have them in my hand. The information says there’s two sets of books being used.

Everybody has said that trading is going on in the back. So that’s all I can tell you. And they’ve been saying, I don’t know if it’s real, fictional, or the whole world has come and got together and said, let’s make up this story. That’s what’s out there.

They have two sets of books. They’re using two separate systems. People can say, books, accounting, whatever you’re doing. But right now, if they’re seeing a different rate in the back and they’re operating it on it and we’re not, that would tell me there’s two systems running.

They’re running on one and we’re running on one. So that’s all I can tell you. They just don’t let me see it. But, yes, I do believe it because I’ve gotten it from multiple agencies and they see a rate we’re not seeing.

So it has to be somewhere. Okay.

As far as the IMF and the CBI, is there anything that they are adamant against this going through that the banks can’t get the transaction through and each day is the day, and it doesn’t happen. Is the IMF or the CBI involved in that?

Well, the IMF and CBI have to be involved. They’re going to be the final ones. Now, the IMF is the actual one who’s done everything. The system got all the deals signed off, agreements, everything else.

But IMF is telling us it’s done. All that’s done. The judges have signed all the documents. All the agreements are in place.

So I don’t know what it is. Okay, I’m. What about whatever they’re doing? They can’t do anything until they tell the releases.

I guess. The server is in Houston, Texas now. That’s the look like it’s coming from the CBI. But I’m sure the US treasury never has to be satisfied with whatever it is.

And we don’t know that part. And I don’t think we’re going to know that part until afterward when we won’t care.

Okay. Those are my questions for today. Thank you for answering them. And I will do what you said, Ray.

I will hang up and come in on my computer and go on that way. So there’s a free space opening up. Thank you both. And I guess we’ll be back here Friday.

Hopefully nothing, but possibly, yes. Thank you.

You’re doing a great job. Incidentally, I had a question about. You haven’t mentioned much on the other currencies in the last couple of calls. And I was just curious, are they all still slated to go that where we’ve talked about over the years?

They are all still going. Everyone you talked about in the call.

And I compliment you for letting us know about these interest rate increases and returns because obviously that’s going to be very important to folks to, you know, invest their money wisely. And we hope most of us live off the interest. You talked about some rates that are showing up to banks on the back screens. Are those the rates you’re talking about when you say that some are showing four, five and $6?

No, I think that’s what some of the people are telling us it should be at. It was supposed to be at this morning and everybody had their own rate. Someone saying by Thursday it should be at $6. So in the different agencies.

So say they’re all watching a climb and they’re just projecting where it should be by this time. I guess based on the speed, the bank is looking at a solid rate. I think at the time when they were there, this rate that’s on their screen, that’s what they tried to push through.

They’re not. The bank isn’t predicting anything so good. Okay.

I also noticed the CBI is actually reporting the volumes of dinar that is out there. And I think you’ve warned people and I’ve actually recently had to warn a friend that thought they had a number that was five times what was available, according to the CBI. Is there a lot of counterfeits out there?

I don’t know how much counterfeit is out there. We dealt with that years ago because there was some out there. There were some. Some sting operations that took place years ago to get the counterfeit out of there.

This morning, CBI said 91% of their currency is outside the banking system. 91% is outside the banking system. A lot of us right here in the US. But if you’re not sure about your currency, you can go online.

You have to get up out of your seat. You have to go out the front door. Nothing. Go right online.

Look for the seven factors that authenticate your currency. It’s right there. It tells you where each one of it, and you can look at it. If you’re not satisfied with that, then take your currency to the bank.

They’ll tell you if it’s real or not. They look on their computer, they can see the same thing. They have a Delarue machine. They can look at it and say, yeah, it’s real, but we’re not taking it.

It’s just that simple.

Totally agree. And I’ve already done that with mine. But I actually ran into somebody that had what they thought was an astronomical amount and it far exceeded anything the CBI was reporting. So I gave them a fairly stern warning.

Go out and get it authenticated because I think you’re going to be disappointed with what you have.

Well, do they have a hundred billion? What.

They think they have five quad.

Five part of dinar?

Yeah. It’s impossible.


I’m taking some things out of a holding situation that I had already kind of laid on top. To be a little more frank with the wise thing, I laid some money on top of indonesian rupiah. But the logic is if there’s not a cap total on dinar because you can negotiate. If there’s not a cap total on dong because you can negotiate with volume and other things, then why do I have it on the indonesian rupiah?

I’ve kept some there, but I’ve simply moved off of that tool onto my back pocket and headed for the exchange center. Now that’s the Texas currency exchange center. So there may be ones who can actually shift things around. Because when there’s not a top maximum, like the dollar 35 for Indonesian rupiah that we’ve been heard or told about, then you’re just cutting yourself out of that possible negotiation area.

Tony. Now you and I had a conversation about creating new billionaires. We’re going to double the amount of billionaires in the states.

I think that was shooting low at this point. There’s a bunch of truck drivers, a bunch of truck drivers and beauticians and street workers in little cities and things like that that I’ve talked to. And they. I’m standing in their shadow.

It’s just that much. So I’m really excited. And what you’ve given today is even better. Not all those people are able to listen to your call.

And as you mentioned before, I’m kind of a currency evangelist. Because I told a story fresh for the first time a couple of times on Monday. And people are not necessarily going for it. But what’s happening here is undeniably a one time effort.

Will never get a chance like this again. And you and Ray have been the primary catalyst in my life and I suspect so many others. So thank you once again. But if you got something else to share, the floor is open.

But that’s all I got to say. I’m here to get some more currency right now. Okay, this is what I’m going to say. Danny, I am so glad to hear that you’re running into people like that.

Everyday people. Yeah. My concern is what will they do with it? Because this thing is for sure one of two things is going to be the greatest thing that ever happened in your life or the worst thing that ever happened in your life.

Because all bunch of money can be both. So I’m just hoping those people will have that know what to do it do with it. Because billions of dollars can paralyze people, can cause paranoia, it cause a whole lot of other things. If you don’t know or you’re not prepared.

I hope they get back prepared for it. But I’m glad to hear everyday people, it’s gonna be the greatest lottery day in history. Right? Everybody won the lottery and, and what do you do to it?

I got a couple quick questions here. Or should we have our currency exchanged into the US dollar or to the, in the US treasury dollar or is it the same.

Yeah, it’s the same zone will be $1 and you’re not going to have a transfer into anything. It’s going to be digits on a screen. That’s all you’re going to see. They’re not giving you green dollar bills, $100 bills or $1,000 bills.

They’re going to give you digits on the screen.

Okay. Are banks the only choice that we have to exchange at?

No, you can go to exchanges. They’re not going to give you what the bank’s going to give you. They’re not going to give you what we’ve been talking about for the last 10 – 12 years. They’re going to hand you your money at a forex rate and say go do what you do.

I mean, somebody’s always gonna be out there trying to take your money. Especially a bunch of idiots that tell you that there’s tanks on the streets and planes flying through the air to protect you. There’s always gonna be bad investment advice. Believe me, I know that myself.

That’s where you have to do your own research and take some responsibility yourselves. There’s always going to be a best friend, brother, mother, sister, cousin, neighbor who wants you to share the wealth. So you’re definitely going to have some relationship issues, whether you want to or not, because unless you’re going to give them all your money and walk away, you’re not going to be satisfied till you do. So there’s a whole other things that are going to happen.

And that’s why I said this could be the best thing in your life or it could be the worst thing in your life.

Certainly appreciate that and really glad we got you and Ray in our corner.


I’ve heard a lot of talk about the rates. Have you heard anything on the dong as far as how high it will go? No.

Well, it was the way out. Yes. $0.47 on there could go to $2 on forex. I don’t know.

The highest rate I’ve already getting so far is $12. Okay, that’s what I wanted to know. The other question I had is your comment on first mouse, second mouse. If we happen to be the first mouse, and we don’t like it, we can back out and become a second mouse, can’t we?

Until you sign that final one, you can always say, nope, I don’t like this deal. Take your money and walk away is your money. Thank you for all the information you’ve given us. Appreciate it.

Banks are in competition with each other. And not only that, but level four banks are in competition with level one banks. They need money, too. They want some people.

They’re going to make you some offers the same way. So don’t be scared of, hey, this not work out, I’m going to lose out on all this. Somebody is going to take your money. I’m telling you that.


I was just wondering if, do you think that maybe somebody might have a finger, a hand on the scale that they just keep going the way they are? Well, yeah, that’s how the smugglers are getting paid. It’s how Iran keeps getting paid.

They want things to go the way they are. That’s what we’ve been fighting for 10-15 years. But we’ve come to a conclusion. That’s why they just cut off giving money to the travelers again, to stop the smugglers even more.

To stop Iran even more. They just cut off one other avenue that they have. And once we, they revalued and with the money given out different, they’ll be cut off ten more. That’s what the exchange companies are complaining about right now.

They were the avenue for Iran to get money. So, yeah, everybody’s going to fight it to the end. We’re just at the end. Yeah.

Because it just seems like, you know, this, something just keeps standing in the way of going through. Yeah, nobody likes to give up power. Okay. Nobody likes this.

They give up all this money coming in every day, hundreds of millions of dollars. Even though they got trillions of dollars, they still want this. Hundreds of million every day. But Iran’s economy will close.

So, yeah, there’s always going to be a struggle. Well, hopefully we don’t won’t have to worry about the struggle past this week. I’m hope not. All right, thank you,


One kind of silly one, not one other one. But Tony, you said that in order to get the higher rate, you didn’t know what the minimum was. Do you have any speculation? Because I want to make sure I kind of get my kids set up.

Would 80, would $90 million maybe qualify for that 30, 30% level? Yeah, I mean, I really don’t know. I just know so the people so far, man, hundreds of millions of dollars. So I don’t know what the minimum amount is going to be for that.

I wouldn’t think. I mean, I don’t know. Just try and get. Well, they’ll probably qualify for a higher level.

20% maybe. Second question. Second question is for you and Ray. What two items on your bucket list, would this money help you do that you wouldn’t normally do?

TNT Superfantastic Conference Call Extracts & Q/As - Wednesday, July 10, 2024 - Dinar Detectives - Iraqi Dinar Recaps from Dinar Guru and Intel (2025)
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