Joftens Notes Skyrim (2025)

1. Skyrim:Joften's Notes - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages (UESP)

  • Dec 9, 2021 · Found in the following locations: In a chest under a bridge at Half-Moon Mill. Joften's Notes. by Joften.

2. Skyrim:Golden and Dark Smithing - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages

  • Jul 30, 2024 · Head to Half-Moon Mill and search under the bridge to find a chest containing Joften's Notes as well as other loot. Reading the journal will complete the quest.

  • Details

Skyrim:Golden and Dark Smithing - The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages

3. Notes on the Blacksmith | Elder Scrolls | Fandom

  • Our blacksmith, Joften, has gone mad. Most of the time he spouts nonsense. This all started three days ago. Now he won't even pick up his hammer.

  • Main article: Books (Skyrim Creation Club) Notes on the Blacksmith is a book in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition that is a part of the Saints & Seducers Creation Club content. [?] Our blacksmith, Joften, has gone mad. Most of the time he spouts nonsense. This all started three days ago. Now he won't even pick up his hammer. We've tried to talk sense into the lout, but it's like he doesn't even see us. He wrote down the means to forge our Golden arms and armor, and that of the Sedu

Notes on the Blacksmith | Elder Scrolls | Fandom

4. Skyrim: How to Get Golden Saint Armor - Game Rant

Skyrim: How to Get Golden Saint Armor - Game Rant

5. Saints & Seducers | Elder Scrolls | Fandom

  • Joften's Notes · Kinthal's Journal · Note on Amber and Madness Ore · Note on ... Conjure Staada. Enchantments. Disrobing Enchantment. Appearances. The Elder ...

  • For the book in The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles, see Saints and Seducers. Saints & Seducers is a Creation Club content in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition. Alternatively the content was usually acquired with 1,500 , but it was added for free in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition. The following locations have been added: Solitude Sewers The following quests have been added: Balance of Power Nerveshatter Restoring Order Staada Quest The following items have been added

Saints & Seducers | Elder Scrolls | Fandom

6. Skyrim Smithing Guide - Scrolls Guided

  • With a little bit of investigating, you will discover Joften's notes. Upon reading his journal, you learn how to craft Gold and Dark items. However, you ...

  • This Skyrim Smithing guide will explain extensively what smithing is, how you can learn it, and what's the benefit of this particular skill.

Skyrim Smithing Guide - Scrolls Guided

7. Things Not to Do in Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN

  • Missing: joftens | Show results with:joftens

  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim is a very big game, and with so much to do, it's easy to accidentally do something you may regret later

    See Also

Things Not to Do in Skyrim - The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Guide - IGN

8. Neoconned - All About Everything

  • Joftens Notes Skyrim. URL-Liste für WMS-Dienste des Kartenservers des MU | Nds. Ministerium für Umwelt, Energie und Klimaschutz. Melanin: How does it affect ...

  • The 10 largest banks in the U.S. are Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citibank, U.S. Bank, PNC Bank, Goldman Sachs Bank, Truist Bank, Capital One and TD Bank. Holding trillions of dollars in combined assets, the 10 largest banks in the country offer various financial products. These financial in...

Neoconned - All About Everything

9. Skyrim Saints and Seducers: Where to start, find Ri'saad, and defeat Thoron

  • Nov 11, 2021 · If you check around, you also get a note on the blacksmith, which gives you an objective to be able to smith the Saints' and Sinners' signature ...

  • One of the new quest lines in Skyrim Anniversary Edition is Saints and Seducers, where you take on mysterious bandits at the behest of the merchant Ri'saad

Skyrim Saints and Seducers: Where to start, find Ri'saad, and defeat Thoron

10. Skyrim: Where to Find Mysterious Note and What It's Used For

  • Jan 9, 2022 · What Does the Mysterious Note Mean in Skyrim? List of Dark Brotherhood Quests. The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has a lot of side quests and ...

  • Skyrim players will receive a mysterious note at some point in the game, but what does it mean, and what is the note used for?

Skyrim: Where to Find Mysterious Note and What It's Used For

11. How to find Goldenhill Plantation and complete The Unquiet Dead

  • Nov 15, 2021 · You'll then need to fight a ghost and The Unquiet Dead quest will begin. skyrim note body. (Image credit: Bethesda). Skyrim The Unquiet Dead: ...

  • I ain't afraid of no ghosts.

How to find Goldenhill Plantation and complete The Unquiet Dead

12. Skyrim Saints And Seducers Guide: Everything You Need to Know

  • Dec 15, 2021 · Players will find new types of armor, artifacts, spell tomes, books, and notes. There are two bandit groups to face, one near North ...

  • Skyrim Saints and Seducers has a chase for journals and Wizards.

Skyrim Saints And Seducers Guide: Everything You Need to Know

13. Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn SSE - Nexus Mods

  • Nov 16, 2017 · Same for renaming enchanted items etc. INSTALLATION Exctract the files to your Skyrim/Data folder. FAQ Will be filled in as people post. THANKS ...

  • Take Notes adds a player journal to the game which lets you create and view your own journal entries.

Take Notes - Journal of the Dragonborn SSE - Nexus Mods
Joftens Notes Skyrim (2025)


Can you craft golden armor in Skyrim? ›

Find Joften's Notes

Loot the Notes on the Blacksmith from the bandit leader to gain a new task. Completing this miscellaneous quest will allow players to smith their own golden and dark armor.

Where is the notes on racial phylogeny book in Skyrim? ›

Can be found on the bookshelf in Corpselight Farm. One of the rewards for "Hitting the Books."

Where to get materials for smithing in Skyrim? ›

You can buy many Smithing Ingredients from Blacksmiths in all the major cities. As for jewels, there is a jewel and clothing store in Solitude near the General Goods store.

Where do I find an appraiser Skyrim? ›

After you have acquired one Barenziah Stone, you can get it appraised by Vex at the Ragged Flagon in Riften. You may have to be a full member of the Thieves Guild before she will speak to you.

Where is Elven Mage Skyrim? ›

Speak to the innkeeper at the Frozen Hearth in Winterhold and ask about the elven mage that studies stars. He will tell you where a wizard named Nelacar staying at the inn. Nelacar has severed all ties with the College, but you can placate him with a good Speech check or bribe him.

What is the strongest craftable armor in Skyrim? ›

However, while dragon armor has the highest defense value, there are other worthwhile sets to consider including Daedric, Ebony, and Glass. You'll be able to make all of these yourself once your Smithing is sufficiently levelled up. A lot of the choices you make will be due to personal preference.

Can you get Daedric armor without crafting it? ›

Buy from the Dremora Merchant at higher levels.

Once you reach level 47, the Black Merchant will begin selling enchanted and unenchanted Daedric equipment. The Dremora Merchant is the only merchant not affiliated to the Thieves Guild that will sell Daedric armor and weapons to you.

What is the hated race in Skyrim? ›

The nords hate the dark elves, high elves, khajiit and argonians. The dark elves hate argonians and high elves. The wood elves hate the high elves. The Reachmen hate the nords.

What race is Serana in Skyrim? ›

Lady Serana
Lady Serana
Resided inCastle Volkihar Dimhollow Crypt
Appears inDawnguard

Are Argonians slaves in Skyrim? ›


An Argonian lies dead after being overworked by his Dunmer master. Argonians have a long history of being rightfully enslaved to the Dunmer, working the swamplands of Morrowind.

How many gold rings to max out in Smithing? ›

You need exactly 669 gold ingots to smith gold rings to maximise your Smithing skill from level 17 to 100. Tried and tested today on Skyrim AE with a level 4 Imperial.

What is the best thing to craft to level up Smithing in Skyrim? ›

While the easiest way to do this used to be by smithing iron daggers, a patch removed this glitch and changed Smithing leveling to scale with item worth rather than item quantity. This means that the fastest way to level up your Smithing attribute is by crafting gold rings.

What does "legendary" mean in Skyrim? ›

By making a skill legendary, all skill points are returned to you, allowing you to use them for whatever other skills you want. The legendary skill is reset to 15, and you cannot make or improve high-level armor and weapons as you would be able to before.

Where can I find looters notes in Skyrim? ›

On the bar at the Silver-Blood Inn, Markarth.

How do you get the mysterious note in Skyrim? ›

Talk to Aventus in Windhelm and accept his proposal to start the "Innocence Lost" quest. Go to Honorhall Orphanage and kill Grelod. Wait 24 hours. Go to a city to receive the mysterious note.

Where is Cindiris Folio in Skyrim? ›

Leave Raven Rock via the south gate and move in a southerly direction along the coast. Continue until you reach the wreck of a ship known as The Wreck of the Strident Squall. An encampment of Reavers have taken up residence in the wreck. Defeat the various Reavers and search the wreck for the Folio.

How do I retrieve SAP in Skyrim? ›

Talk to Danica Pure-Spring to begin The Blessings of Nature. Travel to Orphan Rock, kill the hagraven, and take Nettlebane. Return to Danica, and she'll send you to the Eldergleam sanctuary. There, use Nettlebane to cut the tree's roots, get to its trunk, and activate the tree to collect its sap.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.