GTA Online weekly update for September 7-13, 2023, released (2024)

A new weekly update for GTA Online has just been released, featuring lots of double bonuses and exciting discounts. From now until September 13, 2023, Acid Lab owners can enjoy 2x cash and RP by delivering the Acid throughout Los Santos via Sell Missions. Adrenaline junkies can earn double money by participating in Junk Energy Skydives for the next seven days.

Armored Truck Robberies are also rewarding all risk-taking gamers with double the cash throughout the week. Motors Wars adversary mods return with 2x money and RP, along with many other exciting game modes. The car showrooms also offer a new stock of amazing vehicles in the latest weekly update.

New GTA Online weekly update is much better than the last week’s event (September 7 to September 13, 2023)

2x Cash and RP:

  • Acid Lab Sell Missions
  • Junk Energy Skydives
  • Motor Wars

2x Cash:

  • Armoured Truck Robberies

Returning game modes:

  • Overtime Rumble
  • Motor Wars
  • Come Out to Play
  • Siege Mentality
  • Hasta La Vista

GTA Online players can still enjoy double bonuses by competing in the Arena War Series throughout the week.

Latest batch of showroom cars in GTA Online (September 7 to September 13)

Simeon’s Premium Deluxe Motorsport Showroom:

  • Dinka Jester RR
  • Weeny Issi Rally
  • Dinka Kanjo SJ
  • Declasse Tahoma Coupé
  • Annis 300R

Luxury Autos Showroom:

  • Benefactor SM722
  • Ocelot Virtue

Podium Vehicle:

  • Grotti Stinger GT

LS Car Meet Prize Ride:

  • Vulcar Nebula Turbo

HSW Premium Test Ride Vehicle (available for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S players):

  • Pegassi Weaponised Ignus HSW

Test Track Vehicles this week:

  • Enus Super Diamond
  • Weeny Dynasty
  • Överflöd Entity XF

Time Trials this week:

  • Premium Race – Criminal Records
  • Regular Time Trial – Power Station
  • HSW Time Trial – Ron Alternates

This week’s GTA Online podium car, the Grotti Stinger GT, is a 2-door sports classics coupe based on the real-life Ferrari 250 GTO.

List of all GTA Online weekly discounts to claim this week (September 7 to September 13)

50% off:

  • Buckingham Valkyrie
  • Weeny Dynasty

40% off:

  • Vapid Apocalypse Dominator
  • Vapid Future Shock Dominator
  • Vapid Nightmare Dominator
  • Vapid Dominator
  • Dinka Kanjo SJ
  • Överflöd Entity XF
  • MTL Brickade 6x6
  • Acid Lab Modifications and Upgrades

30% off:

  • Weeny Issi Rally
  • Benefactor SM722

It is a pretty good week to hustle and grind in Los Santos while waiting anxiously for the Grand Theft Auto 6.

Poll : Do you find this week's update worth playing the game?

27 votes

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GTA Online weekly update for September 7-13, 2023, released (2024)


How long is 24 hours in GTA 5 Online? ›

A day in GTA 5 Online lasts exactly 48 minutes in real-time. Each in-game day cycles through 24 hours, meaning every minute in the real world is like half an hour in Los Santos. So, if you're planning your heists or just wanna hang out watching the sunset, now you know how much time you've got!

Why did i randomly get 500000 in GTA? ›

Did you enable 2 factor authentication on your social club account? They reward you 500k for doing so.

How long is 3 days in GTA time? ›

The DLC will equalize the cooldown timer across all heists, making it one in-game day (48 minutes in real life) if completed by a group. However, this cooldown timer will rise to three in-game days (144 minutes) if a player completes the CPH solo.

Does GTA 5 update every week? ›

Bottom Dollar Bail bonuses and free GTA$! It's time for another GTA Online weekly update. Each week brings a new set of rewards, prizes, and goodies for you to get your hands on.

How long is 1 hour GTA? ›

One of the major differences in the HD Universe is that time now moves at a rate of one in-game minute for every two real-life seconds. Therefore, one in-game hour is now two real-life minutes and one in-game day is now 48 real-life minutes.

How long is 1 day in GTA in real time? ›

Short Answer. A GTA 5 day spans 48 real-time minutes, encapsulating both day and night cycles to create a dynamic gaming experience. This accelerated timeline encourages players to strategize their activities and missions within the game's unique temporal framework.

How long is 30 days in GTA 5? ›

There are 48 real minutes in 1 full day in GTA. Using this, one real day equates to 30 GTA days, and in a real year, 10,950 days (30 years) pass in GTA time.

How long does it take to 100 percent in GTA 5? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Grand Theft Auto V is about 32 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 85 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

How long is 10 GTA days in real life? ›

In GTA 5, one in-game day lasts 48 minutes in real time. So, 10 in-game days would be 480 minutes or 8 hours. If you're planning a gaming marathon, that's one day in Los Santos down!

How much does a shotgun wedding pay in GTA? ›

3X GTA$ and RP on Shotgun Wedding and Till Death Do Us Part

There's no better place than the church in Paleto Bay to bear witness to the ultimate expression of love and devotion: Shotgun Wedding.

How much is GTA+? ›

GTA+ pricing and how to sign up explained

GTA+ is roughly $7.99/£6.99 per month. Once you subscribe it is automatically renewed each month, but you can cancel your subscription at any time if you're not happy with it.

Is Salvage Yard in GTA 5 worth it? ›

On average, you can make a decent income, especially if you come across high-value cars. There's a chance of finding rare vehicles, but it's unpredictable. Whether it's worth it depends on your playstyle and goals in the game. If you enjoy the car collection aspect and potential profits, it could be worthwhile.

How much is 24 hours in GTA in real life? ›

24 hours in-game equals 48 minutes IRL. Time to speed up those heist plans. In GTA, one day lasts exactly 48 real-world minutes. This means each in-game hour is 2 minutes long, so if you're planning your next heist, better keep an eye on the clock!

How long is a night in GTA 5? ›

In GTA it's getting dark at about 10 pm and sunrise is at around 6am, that would be 8 ingame hours.

How long is the longest GTA Online playtime? ›

Most Grand Theft Auto V Playtime Ladder (Worldwide)
#Steam IDPlaytime (H)
1Tuyeee /̲!̲\ /̲! Tuyeee /̲!̲\ Ga..72,545
2Ti Rone68,792
4็⁧⁧gordo PRO9065,044
157 more rows

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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 6110

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.